How to submit data via OneDrive

This page shows you how to share files stored in your OneDrive account.

You won't be able to submit data until you have a formal deposit agreement.

If you haven't yet started the deposit process, see How to deposit with the EIDC.

1. Sign in to your OneDrive account at

NB: This is the address for OneDrive personal accounts. If OneDrive is provided by your institution, the way you access it may be slightly different. We recommend you check your institution's guidance and support pages.

2. Create a new folder. Name the folder with the EIDC deposit reference you have been provided (e.g. EIDCHELP-1234X)


3. Add the files you wish to deposit to the folder. Include both the data files and any supporting documents
PLEASE NOTE: We will only accept files you have previously agreed to supply in your deposit agreement


4. Right click on the new folder you created and click "Share" from the menu


5. In the dialog box that pops up, click on the "Anyone with the link can edit" text


6. Make sure you choose the option "People you choose" and, under more settings, "Can view" is selected. Then click Apply.


7. In the email box, enter and in the message, make sure you include the deposit reference you have been provided (e.g. EIDCHELP-1234X)


8. Click send

For more help and information on sharing using OneDrive see OneDrive help

Please note
Sharing files with us in this way means we will be able to access them and make copies but we won't be able to change or delete them