Support for NERC-funded researchers

Our role

As a NERC Environmental Data Centre, we promote re-use of valuable data by providing support to NERC-funded researchers in the following:

  • data management planning
  • facilitating deposit of data of long-term value to an appropriate data centre
  • long-term management and access to datasets


The EIDC has a dedicated team of liaison staff who provide support in both developing a Data Management Plan, the identification of an appropriate long-term repository for data generated and how to deposit data to EIDC.  Contact us for further information. 

Data tree is a NERC-funded free online course covering research data management, along with ways to engage and share data with business, policymakers, media and the wider public

If you are in receipt of a NERC grant

If you are a NERC-funded researcher and wish to develop a data management plan with our support please contact us with 'NERC DMP' as the subject. It would be helpful to include the NERC grant reference and whether your grant is part of a Research Programme. We will contact you to arrange next steps.

  • Each grant will need to produce a Data Management Plan within 3 months of starting to include:
    • a named data manager for the project
    • an outline of approach to data use and management
    • identification of datasets of long-term value that will be generated
  • Beyond three months, DMPs will need to be regularly updated to show more detail of scheduled activities, including documentation. EIDC will identify a schedule of when data will be deposited to EIDC and any activities that researchers will need to undertake e.g. specific documentation of datasets. These activities should be added to your overall plan.

If your NERC grant is complete

If you have already completed your NERC-funded research and wish to deposit data and obtain a DOI please contact us. If possible, please include a brief description of the data, the NERC grant reference and whether your grant is part of a Research Programme. We will then get in touch to arrange next steps.

Other information


Data Management Plans

Citing Data Digital Object Identifiers can be issued for datasets deposited with the EIDC

Data Catalogue - descriptions and access to datasets held by the EIDC.