Details of data generated were included in the proposal, do I need to complete a Data Management Plan?
Yes, a full Data management Plan (DMP) captures additional detail to that outlined in the Case for Support and importantly, the plan needs to be agreed with one of the NERC Data Centres.
Can data derived from 3rd party data e.g. Ordnance Survey products, be deposited with the EIDC and made accessible?
The EIDC can store data in the long-term but we will need to know the original terms & conditions in order to ascertain if or how the derived data can be made accessible with appropriate licensing. Early identification of these datasets is essential as licensing can be complicated and time consuming.
NERC Data Policy requires data of 'long-term value' to be offered to a NERC Data Centre, but who decides what data are of long-term value?
The EIDC will seek to work closely with the project from an early stage and this work includes identification of data of long-term value generated in the project. This is done in discussion with the researchers and referring to NERC guidance.
When should data of long-term value be deposited?
The EIDC will seek to bring in a whole dataset as soon as it is 'completed' . This is so the necessary arrangements can be put in place for its future management as well obtaining a DOI for referencing data in publications. An embargo period can be applied meaning data does not have to be made accessible straight away. 'Completed' means the dataset is stable and will not change. Typically this will be the point at which analysis could be done.
When will data be made accessible?
NERC Data Policy promotes 'first use' by the originators and makes allowances for datasets deposited with a NERC Data Centre to be embargoed for up to 2 years from the point of completion. The EIDC can put this embargo in place for data deposited with the EIDC. The EIDC can provide a wiki area if researchers within a NERC programme or research consortia wish to share incomplete or embargoed dataset with other researchers before they are made publicly accessible.
How does the EIDC control access to data?
The EIDC makes publicly accessible data available through the EIDC Data Catalogue which has a secure access delivery mechanism. Although there are no restrictions on who can download data, users must first register, then agree to Terms & Conditions of use to do so. Users are then provided with a URL from which that specific dataset can be accessed. All datasets come with Terms & Conditions.
What data format does the EIDC take?
Generally, for long-term management non-proprietary formats are best e.g. csv rather than MS Excel. However the EIDC can accept certain formats e.g. ESRI ArcGIS. The EIDC and the grant Data Manager will agree in advance the format each dataset needs to be in when handed over. Note this does not dictate what format researchers uses for other purposes during the grant.