Citation, view and download metrics


Citation counts for datasets are compiled from these sources:

We endeavour to be as accurate as possible. However, there may be inaccuracies or omissions in the data sources.

If you find any errors or omissions, or have any feedback please let us know.


example of metrics on a dataset page

  • The download numbers shown on the catalogue pages are valid from the date shown on the page. Download information prior do this is not available.
  • A download is a classed as a human or machine user clicking on a data download link. We exclude double-clicks and clicks by data centre staff.
  • Multiple accesses of the download link by the same user within a 1-hour time-window is counted as only one download.
  • For datasets that consist of multiple files, only ONE download is recorded per user per hour even if multiple files are accessed.

We do not include downloads from other associated sites such as the NERC Environmental Data Service or


  • The view numbers shown on the catalogue pages are valid from the date shown on the page.  Information on page views prior do this is not available.
  • A view is a classed as a human or machine user visiting a record. We exclude double-clicks and views by data centre staff.
  • Multiple visits by the same user within a 1-hour time-window is counted as only one view.

We do not include views on other associated sites such as the NERC Environmental Data Service, or Google dataset search.

User tracking

We DO NOT record your username when we record page views or the majority of downloads.

A small number of datasets we provide are delivered by email. In these cases, we DO keep a record of your email address so that we can send you the data.

We may record your IP address temporarily so that we can determine unique users.  Records of your IP address are kept for a maximum of one hour and then permanently deleted.

Please see our policy on retention and use of personal data for more details.